Cut Out + Keep

Ten Lords A Leaping

The Twelve Knits of Christmas • Posted by Search Press

These fit-as-a-fiddle fellows enjoy nothing more than showing off their physical prowess. Dressed in their finest cloaks and hats, their job is to entertain guests between courses in high-society homes during the pre- Christmas celebrations and to make sure that a good time is had by all.

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4 h 00


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These fit-as-a-fiddle fellows enjoy nothing more than showing off their physical prowess. Dressed in their finest cloaks and hats, their job is to entertain guests between courses in high-society homes during the pre- Christmas celebrations and to make sure that a good time is had by all.


  1. Body and Head The body and head are knitted as one piece, from the lower edge of the body to the top of the head. Make 2 Cast on 14 sts in black. Work 6 rows in St st, beg with a K row. Break yarn and join yellow yarn. K 4 rows. Work 12 rows in St st, beg with a K row. Next row: K2, k2tog, K6, ssk, K2. [12 sts] Next row: P. Next row: K2, k2tog, K4, ssk, K2. [10 sts] K 3 rows. Break yarn and join cream yarn. Work 2 rows in St st, beg with a K row. Next row: K2, M1, K1, M1, K4, M1, K1, M1, K2. [14 sts] Work 9 rows in St st, beg with a P row. Break yarn and join orange yarn. Work 2 rows in St st, beg with a K row. Next row: K2, k2tog, K to last 4 sts, ssk, K2. [12 sts] Next row: p2tog, P to last 2 sts, p2tog. [10 sts] Rep last 2 rows once. [6 sts] Bind off.

  2. Arms The arms are knitted from the top of the arm to the tip of the hand. Make 2 Cast on 7 sts in yellow. Work 24 rows in St st, beg with a K row. K 4 rows. Break yarn and join cream yarn. Work 4 rows in St st, beg with a K row. Next row: K1, k2tog, K1, ssk, K1. [5 sts] Bind off pwise.

  3. Boots and Legs The boots and legs are made as one piece and are knitted from the boot to the top of the leg. Make 2 Cast on 28 sts in purple. Work 4 rows in St st, beg with a K row. Next row: K5, bind off 18 sts, K to end. [10 sts] Next row: P. Break yarn and join black yarn. K 2 rows. Work 24 rows in St st, beg with a K row. Bind off.

  4. Hat brim Make 1 Cast on 24 sts in orange. 1st row: K. Work 4 rows in St st, beg with a K row. Next row: K2, (yfwd, k2tog) 10 times, K2. [24 sts] Work 3 rows in St st, beg with a P row. Bind off loosely.

  5. Cloak The cloak starts off as three separate pieces. Part 1 Make 1 Cast on 5 sts in dark red. Work 2 rows in St st, beg with a K row. Next row: K2, M1, K3. [6 sts] Next row: K1, P5. Next row: K. Next row: K1, P5. Next row: K2, M1, K4. [7 sts] Next row: K1, P6. Break yarn and leave sts on needle. Cast on the next section of the cloak on the needle where you have left the sts. Part 2 Make 1 Cast on 12 sts in dark red. Work 2 rows in St st, beg with a K row. Next row: K2, M1, K to last 2 sts, M1, K2. [14 sts] Work 3 rows in St st, beg with a P row. Next row: K2, M1, K to last 2 sts, M1, K2. [16 sts] Next row: P. Break yarn and leave sts on needle. Cast on the next section of the cloak on the needle where you have left the sts. Part 3 Make 1 Cast on 5 sts in dark red. Work 2 rows in St st, beg with a K row. Next row: K3, M1, K2. [6 sts] Next row: P5, K1. Next row: K. Next row: P5, K1. Next row: K4, M1, K2. [7 sts] Next row: P6, K1. Do not break yarn. You will now have three pieces on your needle. Next row: K across 7 sts from third piece, 16 sts from second piece, and 7 sts from first piece. [30 sts] Next and every WS row: K1, P to last st, K1. Next RS row: K6, M1, K2, M1, K14, M1, K2, M1, K6. [34 sts] Next RS row: K. Next RS row: K7, M1, K2, M1, K16, M1, K2, M1, K7. [38 sts] Next RS row: K. Next RS row: K8, M1, K2, M1, K18, M1, K2, M1, K8. [42 sts] Next RS row: K. Next RS row: K9, M1, K2, M1, K20, M1, K2, M1, K9. [46 sts] Next RS row: K. Next WS row: K1, P to last st, K1. Repeat last 2 rows 4 times. Break yarn and join white mohair yarn. Work 3 rows in St st, beg with a K row. Bind off loosely pwise. With the RS of your work facing you and using dark red yarn, pick up and K 5 sts across the top edge of one side piece of cloak, 12 sts across back section, and 5 sts across second side piece of cloak. [22 sts] K 12 rows. Bind off loosely.

  6. Half Back Belt for Cloak Cast on 3 sts in dark red. K 18 rows. Bind off.

  7. Hair Using your crochet hook, make two 4-inch (10-cm) crochet chains in black yarn.

  8. Nose Using your crochet hook, make a 1¼-inch (3 cm) crochet chain in cream yarn.

  9. Making Up and Finishing With the body and head pieces right sides together, whipstitch the side and top seams of the hat and head. Turn right side out and join the side seams of the body using mattress stitch, leaving the bottom edge open. Stuff, then close the gap using mattress stitch. Using black yarn, work two French knots for the eyes. Using cream yarn, work a circle of chain stitch around the eyes. Using bright red yarn, work a straight stitch for the mouth. Fold the cream crochet chain for the nose in half widthwise and sew it to the face with matching yarn. For the hair, make each black crochet chain into two even loops and join them to the sides of the head. Using black yarn, work the mustache in chain stitch. Fold the leg pieces in half lengthwise, right sides together. Whipstitch the top and bottom of the boots. Turn the pieces right side out. Sew the back seams of the boots and leg using mattress stitch. Stuff the legs. Fold the arm pieces in half lengthwise, right sides together. Whipstitch around the hands. Turn the pieces right side out and join the side seam using mattress stitch. The arms do not need stuffing. Sew the legs to the outer edge of the lower edge of the body. Sew the arms to the side of the body with the tops of the arms ⅜ inch (1 cm) below the turtle neck edge. Fold the hat brim in half lengthwise so that the right side is on the outside and the eyelets form a picot edge (see page 15). Whipstitch the bound-off edge in place, then join the short edges to form a circle. Whipstitch the hat brim in place. Using black sewing thread, attach the back belt about halfway up the back of the cloak by sewing a small button to each side. Sew another button to the front of the cloak, through both layers, to join the two sides of the cloak together. Using black yarn, work a row of running stitches along the mohair trim of the cloak. For the boot buckles, using metallic gold crochet yarn, work a small square of chain stitch on the top of each boot.