Teddy Socks

Super cozy newborn socks...as squishy and soft as a teddy bear!

Posted by GinaHouse


Whenever one of my friends is having a baby, I always find myself searching for a simple, perfect and easy sock pattern to knit as a gift. I decided to create a pattern myself and I hope you (and the baby!) like the finished product as much as I do! All you need is a small amount of super soft, sportweight yarn and a couple of hours of free time :D

[NOTE: These instructions are written for use with the Magic Loop or 2 Circulars method of knitting. If you have knitting experience, you can easily adapt this pattern for use with double pointed needles. You'll need 5 needles (2 for each "side" of the sock and 1 for knitting with in the round) total.]


You Will Need (7 things)

  • Scissors
  • Tapestry Needle
  • 1 Stitch Marker size small
  • 8 stitches per inch Gauge
  • 12 g Knit Picks Simple Cotton Sport Sport Weight Yarn (or 40 yards)
  • 2 ¾ mm (US 2) Knitting Needle 40" circ or (2) 24" circs
  • 9 rows per inch Gauge

Steps (7 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    CUFF/LEG -

    CO 24 sts
    Round 1: (K2, P2) ribbing around
    Continue ribbing until cuff measures 2" from cast on

  2. 2

    (The heel flap is worked flat.)

    Row 1: (RS) - (Sl1, k1) across 12 sts, turn
    Row 2: (WS) - Sl1, purl across 11 sts, turn
    Repeat Rows 1 and 2 until flap measures 1"
    (6 repeats total of the 2 rows)

  3. 3


    Row 1: sl1, k6, k2tog, k1, turn
    Row 2: sl1, p3, p2tog, p1, turn
    Row 3: sl1, k4, k2tog, turn
    Row 4: sl1, p5, p2tog, turn
    (8 sts remaining)

  4. 4

    INSTEP -

    Set Up Round:
    Sl1, k7, pick up 6 sts along side of heel flap plus 1 st in the corner between flap and leg, pm, (k2, p2) ribbing across 12 sts of leg, pick up 1 sts in the corner between leg and flap plus 6 sts along heel flap. Knit 4 sts.

    At the middle/back of heel, place a beginning of round marker.

  5. 5

    INSTEP (cont.) -

    Round 1: k to 3 sts before the start of the instep sts, k2tog, k1, (k2, p2) across 12 sts (leg sts), k1, ssk, k to beginning of round (returned to middle/back of the heel)
    Round 2: Knit to instep ribbing, (k2, p2) across 12 sts, knit to beginning of round marker.

    Repeat Rounds 1 and 2 until there are 12 sts on instep (ribbing) and 12 sts on back of back of foot.

  6. 6

    FOOT -

    Round 1: Instep - (k2, p2) across (12 sts) and then work on the back of foot -knit across (12 sts)

    Repeat Round 1 until foot measures 2" in length from back of heel.

  7. 7

    TOE -

    Round 1: (k1, ssk, k to 3 sts before end of 12 sts, k2tog, k1)2x
    Round 2: knit
    Repeat Rounds 1 & 2 until only 12 sts remain.

    Kitchener st the 6 sts from front of toe to the 6 sts from back of toe. Weave in all ends. Knit one more baby sock to create the pair.

    You're done! Great job!