Cut Out + Keep

Tea Time Bunting

Alice In Wonderland inspired bunting • Posted by MagicalGirlMaya

This was a project I was inspired to do after picking up Everything Alice.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 45


Pretty Easy
Medium 107152 2f2015 01 30 205252 img 4049


This was a project I was inspired to do after picking up Everything Alice.


  1. Small 107152 2f2015 01 30 205300 img 3920

    This was the book that gave me the idea. In it I found instructions for making "Tea Set Invitations", but instead I used the templates to make bunting. I highly recommend this book for people who obsess over Alice in Wonderland like I do.

  2. Small 107152 2f2015 01 30 205424 img 3940

    Copy the template you want to use on a sheet of paper, then use that paper to transfer the pattern onto card stock by placing the card stock sheet over the paper and tracing it on. If you don't have a light box just hold it up to the window,

  3. Small 107152 2f2015 01 30 205626 img 3941

    Trace out three of the teapots and three of the tea cups. All in all you'll need about six of whatever it is that you're tracing.

  4. Small 107152 2f2015 01 30 205716 img 3949

    Then cut them out. I'm using a pizza box to protect my table from the blade.

  5. Small 107152 2f2015 01 30 205755 img 3952

    Once you've cut everything out it should look like this. I love the imperfect whimsicality of this project. It all looks so handmade.

  6. Small 107152 2f2015 01 30 205841 img 4036

    Figure out how much ribbon you're going to need by spacing the paper and deciding where you want everything to go.

  7. Small 107152 2f2015 01 30 205940 img 4044

    Then just use glue dots to secure everything in place and hang it wherever you wish. Such as on a Christmas tree. I used an "over/under" method here to make sure that everything was facing the same way. As you can see the ribbon goes over the handles of the tea cups and tea pots, but under the bulk of the figures themselves.

  8. Small 107152 2f2015 01 30 210154 img 4049

    And voila! You are done. You can also decorate these as much as you want, or perhaps theme them for a tea party or a little girls birthday, but I loved the simple elegance of just white paper on pink ribbon.