Cut Out + Keep

Tea Dying

a great natural dye • Posted by michelle G.

I am allergic to almost everything artifical. So when it comes to dying cloth, paper or my salt srubs, I use tea. I also dye my lipgloss this way Its cheap and effective and if you love the smell of tea, its grand. Fruit teas add a splash of red-purples Black Teas(like Earl Grey) and a beige-light brown effect Green teas are mellow, have a uplifting sent and a light yellow-green hue.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 919330 cold tea 1221095897 Medium 887351 tea bags 1221095906


I am allergic to almost everything artifical. So when it comes to dying cloth, paper or my salt srubs, I use tea. I also dye my lipgloss this way Its cheap and effective and if you love the smell of tea, its grand. Fruit teas add a splash of red-purples Black Teas(like Earl Grey) and a beige-light brown effect Green teas are mellow, have a uplifting sent and a light yellow-green hue.


  1. first take a few tea bags, I use about three to four. place in bowl and add hot water. Let it steep for a bit(5 mins or more) remove tea bags. and TADA, dye.

  2. now to dye paper, place the sheet of paper in a flat square pan. Pour mix over it and shift back and forth. take sheet out and hang dry. (paper dying works best on card stock)

  3. dying cloth, easy. dip the cloth in the mix. In and out a few times. or if your feeling daring, put it in the mix for about 5 to 10 minutes. take the cloth out and hang dry.

  4. want to add colour to your product? soap, scrub or lipgloss? just pour a bit into the mix and continue.

  5. PS. doing all this dying makes your house smell great.