Cut Out + Keep

Tea Cup Pin Cushion

cuppa' tea guv? • Posted by Ciara

After my Alice in Wonderland party I had LOADS of tea cups that I didn't know what to do with... I remmembered my vintage milk jug project and decided to make some into pin cushions to sell on ebay (: I simple made my cushion, added any decorations and glued it in.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 50


Pretty Easy
Medium 2011 0310teacup0013 1281880473 Medium 2011 0310teacup0014 1281881352 Medium 2011 0310teacup0018 1281881380


After my Alice in Wonderland party I had LOADS of tea cups that I didn't know what to do with... I remmembered my vintage milk jug project and decided to make some into pin cushions to sell on ebay (: I simple made my cushion, added any decorations and glued it in.
