Cut Out + Keep

Tattered Skirt

extra poofy tattered skirt • Posted by tiffany h.

i made this skirt a while ago from all used clothing. I used mostly lace shirts that had a solid layer under the lace. I simply cut them into pieces and placed it all together. It is all hand sewn and only took a day to complete. ive also sewn beads and buttons onto the waist band to finish it off.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


6 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium skirt2 1302300996 Medium skirt1 1302300799 Medium 100927130500 1302300896


i made this skirt a while ago from all used clothing. I used mostly lace shirts that had a solid layer under the lace. I simply cut them into pieces and placed it all together. It is all hand sewn and only took a day to complete. ive also sewn beads and buttons onto the waist band to finish it off.
