Tarte Au Libouli

A cream pie from North of France

Posted by Mademoiselle Jo


La tarte au Libouli, is a traditional pie which is cook in north of France. "Libouli" means lait bouilli ( boiled milk )

Here is the recipe ;)


You Will Need (8 things)

  • 320 g Flour
  • 800 ml Milk
  • 5 Egg(s)
  • 100 g Butter
  • 15 g Vanilla Sugar
  • 175 g Sugar
  • 15 g Baker's Yeast
  • 2 pinch Salt

Steps (2 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    For the pie you'll need :

    250gr flour
    50 ml milk
    15 gr baker's yeast
    25 gr sugar
    100gr butter
    2 pinch salt
    2 eggs.

    First, in a little bowl, mix the baker's yeast with the milk and 2 pinch of sugar.

    In another -large- bowl, put the flour ,the eggs, the butter, the suggar, and the salt.
    Knead them with the mixture of milk and yeast.

    You can add a bit flour if the paste is too sticky.

    Then spread it on the table ( put a little flour on it, it'll be easier )
    Take a mold, butter and flour it.

    Put the paste into the mold... And now, let's prepare the cream.

  2. 2

    You'll need :

    750 ml milk
    3 eggs
    150gr sugar
    70 gr flour
    15gr vanilla sugar

    In a bowl blend the eggs with the sugar, the vanilla sugar and the flour.

    In a sauce pan, warm the milk. When it's done, pour a little milk with the rest of the mixture.Blend it. Boil the rest of milk.
    When it's boilling, take the mixture and put it in the saucepan. Mix quickly, or the bottom may burn.

    The cream must thicken.

    Pour it into the paste and put into the oven. Bake during 20- 25 min at thermostat 6-7