Cut Out + Keep

Tape Top Hat

Fancy, that is all. • Posted by Becky M.

Pretty much i was dating a guy who had a thing for nurses. I bought a bunch of little nurse charms for something i was making for his a present. Then we broke up T-T. So i was inspired to use the rest of them. so heres this project, blah blah blah i dont feel like talking

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 479 1310089374 Medium 480 1310089437


Pretty much i was dating a guy who had a thing for nurses. I bought a bunch of little nurse charms for something i was making for his a present. Then we broke up T-T. So i was inspired to use the rest of them. so heres this project, blah blah blah i dont feel like talking
