Cut Out + Keep

Tape Roll Bracelet

Empty tape roll turnt bangle • Posted by itsSablesHawty

After the tape was done i put the roll on my hand and realized... A bangle!!!! I spiced it up & this is what i got;; & These items should already be in your home (:

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0 h 05


Pretty Easy
Medium 2720768516 cd5cfcc6c1 o


After the tape was done i put the roll on my hand and realized... A bangle!!!! I spiced it up & this is what i got;; & These items should already be in your home (:


  1. Small duct tape sxc nr

    Take an empty duct tape roll

  2. Small bang

    now use black paint or a sharpie like i did & paint the roll;;

  3. Small whiteout

    now use white out to write on the bangle;;

  4. Small cc02clearnail

    let dry and then go over it with a layer of clear nail polish;; did you kno sally hansen animal testsss :/

  5. Warnings: while my bracelet lasted a good while you must avoid water with this bracelet as it is cardboard & water sensitive;; hope this was helpful