Tape Measure Headband

Pretty cool, huh?

Posted by harrylaa


I made this very quickly, so it could have been finished a bit better. I hope you like it! And just to let you know, the thing in the first picture which look a bit like pliers is actually my single hole punch.


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Tape Measure
  • Elastic
  • Single 6mm Hole Punch
  • Scissors
  • Hole Punch Stickers

Steps (10 steps, 5 minutes)

  1. 1

    Firts of all gather your materials!

    (I didn't really know the proper name of what I call hole punch stickers, but I think you will know what I mean when you see them. They are in the yellow box.)

  2. 2

    Cut a length of tape measure which fits over your head from ear to ear. (The place where a normal hair band would sit.)

  3. 3

    At each end, punch a hole at least half a centimeter away, otherwise it will break.

  4. 4

    Cover each hole with a hole punch sticker. These make it stronger.

  5. 5

    Next, measure a length of elastic which is long enough to connect the tape measure around your head. Then double it, and add an inch to allow it to be tied.

  6. 6

    Then thread one end of the elastic through one hole from the outside - in. Repeat this on the other side...

  7. 7

    ... so it looks like this.

  8. 8

    Pull each end through...

  9. 9

    ...and tie up, making sure it fits snuggly around your head.

  10. 10

    And there you (should) have your cool new headband.

    If you have any questions, or I have made no sense, please just say!