Cut Out + Keep

Tabby Kitty

tabby kitty meowsalot • Posted by XPIXXIEE

i made this for my devil of a lil niece, my fear is that once i give it to her it will end up mince meat. hahaha.... but i have tried to glue and double stitch everything to avoid that situation alltogether! project is fairly time consuming and a bit difficult. i based pattern off of one i found online, but i made numerous changes and made it my own.

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i made this for my devil of a lil niece, my fear is that once i give it to her it will end up mince meat. hahaha.... but i have tried to glue and double stitch everything to avoid that situation alltogether! project is fairly time consuming and a bit difficult. i based pattern off of one i found online, but i made numerous changes and made it my own.
