T Shirt To Tank Top

Old Shirt to New Tank Top!!!

Posted by Awoken Cello


I had an old T-shirt lying around the house and needed a new tank top. Soo.. I made this.

You can add a design if you want.. I did just cause I cant stand plain white t-shirts/ tank tops. (plus I am in love with Pacman right now so.. =D )

Also thats not my normal hair.. I was just playing around with it cause I was super bored.


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Pin(s)
  • Fabric Spray Paint
  • Time
  • 1 Old T Shirt

Steps (6 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    Ok so here is what I did...

    I put on the T-shirt and put on my favorite tank top over it.

    Then I traced the outline of the neck and straps of the tank top onto the shirt. (I got my mom to help with the back)

  2. 2

    Now you got the lines on it so you start cutting the shirt. Make sure to cut it a couple centimeters from the line (you will see why later).

  3. 3

    So now you have it cut....

  4. 4

    Start pinning the fabric, folding it on the line. **Sorry thats kind of hard to explain and the picture is kind of blurry. Ask if you need help.**

    After that sew the neck and straps of the shirt to prevent unraveling and stretching. I had to sew it by hand... which was a pain! So I would recommend trying to use a sewing machine.

  5. 5

    After you are done with that and you are happy with it all. You can add a design. But you can also just leave it alone if you want :)

  6. 6

    TA DA!! =D