Cut Out + Keep

T Shirt Shrug

Based on T Shirt Shrug by EVEnl • Posted by Molly V.

I couldnt believe it was so cute when I finished it. None of my shirts are safe from getting this treatment now! lol. It's especially great if you have a lot of boob, like I do. A lot of these sorts of things just look weird if you have them, but this is one that's REALLY flattering! I used yarn to tie it together, just due to lack of materials, ribbon would be much nicer.

You will need


0 h 25


Medium photo on 2011 07 01 at 10.30  2 1309534540


I couldnt believe it was so cute when I finished it. None of my shirts are safe from getting this treatment now! lol. It's especially great if you have a lot of boob, like I do. A lot of these sorts of things just look weird if you have them, but this is one that's REALLY flattering! I used yarn to tie it together, just due to lack of materials, ribbon would be much nicer.
