Cut Out + Keep

T Shirt Remake, Cropped Tee!

Remaking t-shirts never gets old! • Posted by Rebecca S.

I made this cropped tee from an old EA Sports t-shirt I found in my wardrobe at home. I cut it shorter and used the leftover part to make a pocket to cover the ugly logo. For the "NO." print I used regular fabric paint and paper templates that you can easily just cut out yourself and then dab the paint on to the shirt with a small sponge. I also cut a new neckline and rolled upp the sleeves. To prevent it from looking to much like a tent I made a wedge in the back, wich formed a decorative seam. Hope you like it! I'm really pleased with how it turned out! :D

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc05631 1294250437 Medium dsc05639 1294250455


I made this cropped tee from an old EA Sports t-shirt I found in my wardrobe at home. I cut it shorter and used the leftover part to make a pocket to cover the ugly logo. For the "NO." print I used regular fabric paint and paper templates that you can easily just cut out yourself and then dab the paint on to the shirt with a small sponge. I also cut a new neckline and rolled upp the sleeves. To prevent it from looking to much like a tent I made a wedge in the back, wich formed a decorative seam. Hope you like it! I'm really pleased with how it turned out! :D
