Cut Out + Keep

T Shirt Print Rusty Heart

FOR RUSTY HEARTS fan • Posted by ilarin

This was a b'day gift to my younger brother, he's a rusty hearts fan ! so just found a nice figure of his fav character and painted it on his fav colored t shirt.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 102724 2f2014 06 20 132949 img 4327 Medium 102724 2f2014 06 20 133019 img 4328


This was a b'day gift to my younger brother, he's a rusty hearts fan ! so just found a nice figure of his fav character and painted it on his fav colored t shirt.


  1. Small 102724 2f2014 06 20 134201 tshirt front light green

    SELECT a t shirt with plane background with no patterns , so that your art work can be seen clearly, otherwise it ll absorb the painting.

  2. Small 102724 2f2014 06 20 134626 rustyheartsfrantzbloodmagic

    now select the figure you want ot paint on it, and draw it on t shirt with help of a tailor's chalk. You can also trace it with the help of a G.C machine or so.

  3. now color it with fabric paint color. i used metallic paint, since this was an action figures, and mettalic shine gives an attractive look.