Cut Out + Keep

T Shirt Necklace

Easy and fun! • Posted by *katie m*

Sorry for my weirdo little brother in the background... This was so easy to make and can be made with either a t-shirt or fabric scraps.

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 11


Pretty Easy
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Sorry for my weirdo little brother in the background... This was so easy to make and can be made with either a t-shirt or fabric scraps.


  1. Using scissors, cut your t-shirt or scraps into long strips.

  2. Slide pony beads onto the strips at random intervals. You can put on as many or as few as you'd like!!

  3. Small photo 309 1249877779

    Tie all of the strands together.

  4. Loop around your neck twice to make it look like there are twice as many strands as there are. I only made three strips with beads but looping it around my neck gives the illusion that there are more. I'd like to have made more but i ran out of scraps!!