T Shirt Bag
turning a useless t-shirt into a bag :D
Posted by Claire C.
This tutorial is based on Eileen's t-shirt to bag. I decided to try my own version :D
Btw this is my first how to <3
You may click on the images to see it better.
You Will Need (2 things)
- Sewing Machine
- 1 T Shirt
Steps (9 steps, 40 minutes)
Find a t-shirt of your choice.
Trace a line with a chalk or marker as a guide line. Also you can adjust the way you want the shape of your bag.
Cut about 3cm away from the guide line you did before, and pin all around.
Fold the top part inwards about 1-2 cm. (ie the part that's going to be open)
So it's all neat and tidy.This has to be done for the front part and the back.
Sew this edge. Do the same thing for the front/back.
Place the 2 pieces together, with the front part with the design facing inside. Pin the edges, and sew.
Since my shirt was long, I trimmed a part from the bottom and am going to use that for the strap. However you can use anything, ribbon, rope, another fabric...
If you're going to use a fabric, cut a piece about 10cm wide. Fold it and pin. Then sew the edge. Once that's done you have to flip it inside out. Just like you do with tights :D
Now, just sew the edges of the strap at the inner sides of the bag. Just make sure you sew well a couple of times to enforce it.
I sewed twice vertical at the sides, and a cross in the middle.
And here it is!!
It's not the neatest job in the world but I did my best. I just recently started sewing and so far this the is one thing I did from start to finish on my own.
Hope you like it :D