Synthetic Dreadlocks! Pink & Purple

Pink & Purple Dreadlocks, Cheap Style. :)

Posted by Elena W...


Dreadlocks online are EXPENSIVE. Starting at 75$ for some nicely professionally made ones, I made my own. Since I have a job and can't have dreads, fake ones are a good alternative. :)

I'll be making a How-To, when I make another pair.

I used 100% synthetic hair, but I found that 100& Kanekleon works better. Sadly, I can't really find any offline. So I'll order some.

I back combed and heat-sealed in water. It cost me about $2 to make it, and the donation of a (clean) pet brush!

I have really short hair, so it looks funky on me, but my hair model had them on and it looked great!


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