Cut Out + Keep

Sweet Jar Gifts

sweet! • Posted by Claire J

Quick and simple!

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc00826 1319642336 Medium dsc00827 1319642320 Medium dsc00825 1319642316


Quick and simple!


  1. Take your jar and wash it out.

  2. Take the lid from your jar and draw a circle 5cm bigger on the patterned paper. Cut out and use the double sided tape to stick it to the lid.

  3. fold the creases around the lid. Pop the lid on your jar.

  4. Thread enough beads on the elastic to go around the lid of your jar.

  5. using the same patterned paper, make a label for the front of the jar and stick on with the double sided tape.

  6. Fill with sweets and you're done!!