Cut Out + Keep

Sweet And Pink Clay Cake

Sweet in Pink! Pink in sweet! • Posted by Lindsey N.

Sweet and pink polymer clay cake. This was actually my first polymer cake charm! I was sooo excited as it baked in the oven and overjoyed when I had them stationed on a small porcelain plate. Soo cute.. The 'pink' color is more salmon tinted than I would like but that was to be expected. You see I am too cheap to buy separate color packs of polymer clay ('cept for the neutrals) and so I create my own colors. I didn't use enough red in my coloring session and so it turned out as such. Still! I learned from my mistakes:)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 40


Nice & Simple
Medium 100 2464 1280283036 Medium 100 2465 1280283050 Medium 100 2465 1280283183


Sweet and pink polymer clay cake. This was actually my first polymer cake charm! I was sooo excited as it baked in the oven and overjoyed when I had them stationed on a small porcelain plate. Soo cute.. The 'pink' color is more salmon tinted than I would like but that was to be expected. You see I am too cheap to buy separate color packs of polymer clay ('cept for the neutrals) and so I create my own colors. I didn't use enough red in my coloring session and so it turned out as such. Still! I learned from my mistakes:)
