Cut Out + Keep

Sweater Boots!!

Based on Sweater Boots!! by Niamh O. • Posted by Recycled Miracles

Amazing idea!!!!!!!. Woke up this morning at 7 started these about 8 and just finished about 11:30. NOt bad for new boots. I wanna add a little elastic to the top so they will stay up easily. I think my next pair will be darked, I think. I decided to attach a pair of spats to them, just because I liked the idea LOL!!!!!

You will need


3 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium pictures3


Amazing idea!!!!!!!. Woke up this morning at 7 started these about 8 and just finished about 11:30. NOt bad for new boots. I wanna add a little elastic to the top so they will stay up easily. I think my next pair will be darked, I think. I decided to attach a pair of spats to them, just because I liked the idea LOL!!!!!
