• Posted by Cat Morley
Draw out a circle in the size that you want your sushi to be. Draw out a long strip in the height you want your sushi to be. Cut the templates and fold the strip around the circle. Cut off any length that is not needed on the strip.
Using the templates draw out two circles and one strip on to white felt. Cut out the felt shapes.
Using thread that matches the colour tack one circle to the strip.
Using a hemming stitch sew the two pieces together.
Sew up the side.
Find a piece of foam that will fill the cup you have just made.
Now attach the second circle and sew that to the cup.
You will end up with this.
Now all you need to do is decorate it.
Take a square of white felt and some pieces of foam. Fold the felt over making sure it fits around the foam.
Stitch the felt in place and using a hemming stitch sew the felt up the side.
When you get to the edge, fold in the sides and sew it in place. Repeat this for both ends.
Decorate it with other bits of felt to make it look like sushi. I made a little fish out of pink felt.