Cut Out + Keep

Superhero Cut Out Shirt

A sexy spin on a classic comic shirt • Posted by Lauren

I decided that my old Batman shirt needed a revamp, since I hadn't worn it in ages and wanted to do something fun with it. I thought that this might be a great way to make a boxy t-shirt slightly more feminine, while keeping the superhero charm. :)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


3 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium p1110755 Medium p1110767 Medium p1110771 Medium p1110715


I decided that my old Batman shirt needed a revamp, since I hadn't worn it in ages and wanted to do something fun with it. I thought that this might be a great way to make a boxy t-shirt slightly more feminine, while keeping the superhero charm. :)


  1. Small p1110722

    Cut a piece of interfacing of the same size and shape of your shirt's logo.

  2. Small p1110723

    Turn your shirt inside-out and iron the interfacing onto the back of the shirt's logo.

  3. Small p1110724

    Decided how much of the logo you want to be cut out. Mark this on the shirt (I used a tailor's pen for this). Cut out the inside piece that you don't want, leaving a small allowance to be folded over, and tack a hem around the edges.

  4. Small p1110730

    Once all of the edges are tacked, iron them flat. After this, you can choose to hand-stitch or machine-sew them down, but this step is optional.

  5. Small p1110732

    Cut a piece of black lace large enough to cover your logo-hole and position it as you choose.

  6. Small p1110734

    Tack your lace into place and try the shirt on just to ensure that you're happy with it.

  7. Small p1110735

    Machine-sew (or hand-stitch) the lace down by sewing along the edge of the logo, also securing the hem, remembering to finish of with a few back-stitches to secure it.

  8. Remove all tacking.