Cut Out + Keep

Super Studded Blazer

Follow these steps • Posted by Jenna C.

Styling Tips: 1. It's no secret that the Balmain-inspired look is an amazing match for destroyed denim and skinny-cut silhouettes.

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Medium dscn4889


Styling Tips: 1. It's no secret that the Balmain-inspired look is an amazing match for destroyed denim and skinny-cut silhouettes.


  1. Small dscn3923

    Cut strips of jumbo studded iron-on trim to the length of your blazer lapel.

  2. Small dscn3924

    The first row should be a single row strip, created by cutting apart the trim length. Place remaining strips along lapel as shown. Our longest piece was 14".

  3. Tip: Vary lengths of strips, but be sure to measure them so you know what to cut for the opposite side.

  4. Small dscn3929

    Place printer paper over the studs and iron them down one strip at a time, 25-30 seconds.

  5. Small dscn3937

    Repeat front and back with paper inside the lapel to prevent glue from leaking through thinner fabrics.

  6. Small dscn3943

    Smaller stud trim pieces can be used as part of the motif - save them as you work for this or future projects!

  7. Small dscn3945

    Here's our motif - you can add more or less depending on your preference and lapel size.

  8. Small dscn3946

    Let your studs cool and repeat iron-on process to ensure hold (especially with fabrics that don't take well to adhesive).

  9. Small dscn3948

    Let cool completely and try it on!

  10. Small dscn3996

    Here's the blazer with our Rhinstone Velvet Stripe Tee (check the how-to guides to get this full look!)