Super Easy T Shirt Scarf

Super Easy T Shirt Scarf

Posted by Disney P.


One of our family's favorite things to do is go to the local book store, drink some espresso, and sit and read books for a while. Today I was reading a book called "Generation T Beyond Fashion" by Megan Nicolay, which is all about what you can make from a T-shirt. It's pretty interesting! Anyway, I found this really easy scarf pattern that I had to immediately try when I got home. Luck for me, we stopped by the thrift store on the way home, where I got these jersey pants for $1 (believe it or not, I have no T-shirts!!).


You Will Need (3 things)

  • T Shirt
  • Rotary Cutter
  • Sewing Machine

Steps (7 steps, 110 minutes)

  1. 1

    If you're making this from a piece of clothing and not just jersey material, what you want to do is cut along the seams of your garment, then lay the pieces on top of each other and cut off whatever you need to, to make them even.

  2. 2

    Then cut them into even strips. I did 4" strips, which ended up being a pretty nice size.

  3. 3

    Cut your strips into 4" squares. The pattern in the book says you'll need 56-64 squares. I used 64, which made a verrrry long scarf! But I ended up liking it because I could double it up and it looked fuller.

  4. 4

    Pin them together, with each point of the square matching up with the middle of the next square.

  5. 5

    Sew down the middle. I used a zig-zag stitch, but a strait stitch would work just fine too. Be very careful when you are sewing, because the ends tend to fly up, causing them to not be sewn to the square next to it.

  6. 6

    And there you go! All done! Wasn't that just so easy?! And you can wear it in the summer....

  7. 7

    Or winter!