Cut Out + Keep

Super Easy Pillow Covers

Cute and Easy Ruffle pillow case • Posted by Moriah W.

So yeah i just need a quick white cover for my two throw pillows and yeah here it is its nothing special its just super easy. Comment Please :)

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 05


Pretty Easy
Medium 375 1278816542 Medium 374 1278816729


So yeah i just need a quick white cover for my two throw pillows and yeah here it is its nothing special its just super easy. Comment Please :)


  1. Small 358 1278816930

    Take your pillow case and cut it down both sides.

  2. Small 364 1278817022

    After you cut the pillow case lay it flat and center your throw pillow on it.

  3. Small 367 1278817132

    fold one side of the pillow case over the pillow and cut four strips in it, do not cut them to deep.

  4. Small 369 1278817237

    Remove the pillow and fold the pillow case in half, the cut similar strips into the other half of the the pillow case.

  5. Small 370 1278817321

    center the pillow inside the pillow case again. Take a strip from each side and tie a bow like this.

  6. Small 372 1278817746

    if you want you can sew this top part here but i just left it open. and your done!