Cut Out + Keep

Super Easy Organizer

Made from Cereal Box or Other Unuseable Box :D • Posted by Nia Romadhoni

One of my favorit when I was Kids,:D Lets try again, :D

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium foto1094 Medium foto1095


One of my favorit when I was Kids,:D Lets try again, :D


  1. Small foto1078

    Take the cereal box or other box, I used candle box, :D

  2. Small foto1079

    Find the middle of the box with ruler, mark with pencils,

  3. Small foto1080

    Make the line on FRONT, LEFT and RIGHT ONLY of the box.

  4. Small foto1081

    Cut marked,

  5. Small foto1082

    Just like this, :D

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  7. Small foto1084

    'lock' with glue or tape.

  8. Small foto1085

    Like this, You almost done..

  9. Small foto1086

    Make a cut to make your box looks good.

  10. Small foto1094

    Close with pattern papper or do anything you like with this box, :D You're DONE.. \(^^,)/