Cut Out + Keep

Super Easy Candy Cane Hearts

Just two candy canes glued together really... • Posted by Annnalese

My mum taught me this, Now I'm teaching you :)

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 05


Pretty Easy
Medium n765918199 1730003 9309 1261089858


My mum taught me this, Now I'm teaching you :)


  1. Small lunapic 126108932666833 9 1261089695

    Put a small amount of Hot Glue on each end of the Candy Cane.

  2. Small pc180062 1261089876

    Stick another candy cane to form the heart shape onto the glue.

  3. Small pc180064 1261089882

    Glue onto cards to make beautiful christmas cards, hang on the christmas tree, i even wear mine as necklaces!