Cut Out + Keep

Sun Prints

Using Nature Print Paper • Posted by Kayla

I was flipping through an art supplies catalog when i stumbled upon this project. Its Called NaturePrint Paper, and allows you to create images using th sun.

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Pretty Easy
Medium sdc10924 1303333563 Medium sdc10925 1303333578 Medium sdc10926 1303333586


I was flipping through an art supplies catalog when i stumbled upon this project. Its Called NaturePrint Paper, and allows you to create images using th sun.


  1. Small sdc10929 1303333830

    First you lay out the images you want to use on to your paper. This needs to be done indoors where there is no sunlight.

  2. Small sdc10930 1303333945

    Take your images outside to be developed. I like to cover them with something until i find a sunny spot. The amount of time it takes depends on the brightness of the sun. The paper should fade to a lighter blue

  3. Take your images off the paper and place it into a shallow pan of water to set your image. Keep it in there for about a minute or two.

  4. Small sdc10931 1303334328

    Lay your print onto a paper towel to dry. Instant Art!