my creation
I took old material and cut a rectangle to fit around my waist, and then cut two more rectangles for bust area. I sewed them all together and then added a wool braid to hide stiching
Im sorry the instructions arent 100%... but it gives you an idea
Key West Witch favorited Summer Shirt 07 May 08:36
Key West Witch added Summer Shirt to Clothes Above the Waist 19 Mar 16:08
BH3 added Summer Shirt to summer pool looks 29 Jul 00:11
Southern Crafter favorited Summer Shirt 21 Apr 07:48
Dee D. added Summer Shirt to clothes 12 Jun 06:17
TARA R. added Summer Shirt to dresses and more 06 Jan 01:47
Zombie Babe added Summer Shirt to new wardrobe 30 Sep 00:57
Sprinklez favorited Summer Shirt 21 Jun 21:08
68mustangdreamer favorited Summer Shirt 18 Jun 18:00
Kim R. added Summer Shirt to Summer tshirt 12 Jun 21:41
Step 1
Take a piece of material big enough to cover you, make a slit (white lines) for the cleavage part, and then make hems on both sides. at the top make a hem, but wide enough to fit a braid through. Make a braid and sew it under the cleavage part. now make another braid for the halter straps, and lace them through the shirt.

3 projects
really really pretty

20Pennie 2.
2 projects
Oh..... my.... goodness!!! That is soooo adorable!! You did such an amazing job!!!

U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
9 projects
ooh its so pretty, hope you really do turn it into a how-to
especially love the way you did the "straps", never seen it done that way before.. and love the color on you~!

stephie N.
United States, US
5 projects
i love it

Cornwall, Ontario, CA
10 projects
i'll work on one when i get time off!!

Koyelia S.
Birmingham, England, GB
16 projects
i wish it was a how-to....

Koyelia S.
Birmingham, England, GB
16 projects
cute one!!!

deni m.
Varna, Varna, BG
18 projects
It`s great I love it

7 projects
So cute!

Lothian, Maryland, US
22 projects
Very cute!