Cut Out + Keep

Suffolk Puff Ball

suffolk puff ball • Posted by vInTaGe~VioLeT

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Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


3 h 00


Medium dscn9848 1260119179 Medium dscn9858 1260119282 Medium dscn9861 1260119317 Medium dscn9862 1260119412



  1. Small dscn9830 1260119516

    make a stack of suffolk puffs/yo-yo's from co-ordinating fabrics - i used pinks and reds in cotton, satin and silk, in a variety of sizes

  2. Small dscn9861 1260119675

    i bought some LARGE baubles in the charity shop and i sewed my puffs onto the bauble but if you wanted to save time i guess you could glue them on - i kinda overlapped the puffs in some places and stretched them in others to get total coverage.

  3. Small dscn9858 1260122919

    once the bauble is fully covered hang it up and enjoy!