Stump Work Flower N Leaf

I like doing raised embroidery

Posted by PJ


I haven't a lot of much of this, but I like it, if you use very thin wire and embroider thread and use the button hole stitch or blanket stick loosely it can make a very dainty leaf or flower.
You can find this on you tube or look up stump work or even Irish lace can give you some good ideas.


You Will Need (1 thing)

  • Embroidery Hoop embrodery thread, sewing thread , thin wire

Steps (11 steps, 240 minutes)

  1. 1

    use 2 pieces of materiel together in your hoop.

  2. 2

    Take thin wire, if you can find it in the color of your yarn it really helps.

  3. 3

    make a loop and cut and twist the bottom together

  4. 4

    Tack your wire threw both pieces of your material with thin thread, just tack it not sew.

  5. 5

    I used thick embroidery thread to see it good, you attach to your wire, by wrapping it around the stem first.Then do a blanket stitch all around the wire don't go threw the material, just go under the wire. All work is done under the wire and back up , never going threw the material.

  6. 6

    go all around the wire with the blanket stitch and come back to the stem.

  7. 7

    make cross stitches from one side of the wire to the other, always under the wire, but not into the material, Go across and then weave your thread
    from top to bottom, and back.

  8. 8

    take off the hoop, and pull your 2 pieces of material apart this will break your tack threads, and your petal will come off the materiel,pull out or cut off any remaining tack thread.
    Make as many as you would like for your flower.

  9. 9

    After putting double material in hoop
    use large eye needle to make hole for the wire stems, and pull thu to the back.Do this will all your petals.
    Turn over to the back and pull thru and twist wires and tack with thread.
    I made a leaf to.

  10. 10

    push them all threw and run any thread
    thew the hole and after you tack it
    it will stay firm and you can add reg embroider to your piece to help the dimensional part to really stand out.

  11. 11

    Finish up your embroider picture with lots fun stuff