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String Friendship Bracelet

string instead of usual thread.. • Posted by friendship city

so yet again saw an opportunity to try a different material instead of embroidary thread STRING! i just used the normal multi purpose string, will soon use a dark colour one too, usually used in gardening and may even dye the thread different colours. so above the same old arrow head design which looks different in string as i only used one colour so it all blends into one, anyways with string the bracelet is completed witnin in minutes as its so thick less rows are needed :) the second design is a very simple one kind of a weaving motion although i can not remember how i came to learn it or the name.. sorry about that however it gives a nice summery effect :)

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 15


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc05662 1282912433 Medium dsc05664 1282912725


so yet again saw an opportunity to try a different material instead of embroidary thread STRING! i just used the normal multi purpose string, will soon use a dark colour one too, usually used in gardening and may even dye the thread different colours. so above the same old arrow head design which looks different in string as i only used one colour so it all blends into one, anyways with string the bracelet is completed witnin in minutes as its so thick less rows are needed :) the second design is a very simple one kind of a weaving motion although i can not remember how i came to learn it or the name.. sorry about that however it gives a nice summery effect :)
