Cut Out + Keep

String Art Uk

String art map of UK, Inspired by a project from English Ginger. • Posted by

String art of UK. Inspired by project from English Ginger.

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Project Budget


6 h 00


Medium sam 0119


String art of UK. Inspired by project from English Ginger.


  1. Firstly I decided on my design. I then drew an outline of the map for guidance. painted it all and left to dry.

  2. Next, I fixed a peice of wood into the back of the canvas frame to support the nails. this bit is a little difficult. I cut a peice of wood to size, used polyfiller around the edges and underneath as the glue, and hammered afew nails in at angles to keep it in place.

  3. I then went round the edge of the coast line hammering nails in at about 1cm intervals, and a centre cirle of nails.

  4. After having decided on the colours for the thread, I used embroidary thread, i weaved it between the nails and the centre circle of nails, back and forth. and tied them off on one of the bottom nails as neatly as possible.