Cut Out + Keep

Strawberry Tartlets

Delicious and easy • Posted by Cheshire K.

These tartlets are perfect for summer: Fresh and fruity.

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 102542 2f2014 06 12 075304 strawberry%2btartlets cropped


These tartlets are perfect for summer: Fresh and fruity.


  1. Mix flour, 80 g sugar, 1 egg, butter and lemon peel till you have a smooth dough. Chill covered for about 30 min.

  2. Mix sour cream, 50 g sugar, 1 egg and lemon juice with a mixer.

  3. Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Split the dough into 12 portions and shape into little balls. Flatten the balls and line the muffin tin. Pull up the edges and press on.

  4. Fill the tartlets with creme and bake for 18-20 min till they are golden brown. Leave to cool down.

  5. Blend some of the berries and put the purée on the tartlets and garnish with strawberries.