Strawberry Quilt
A Block A Day
Posted by Ivy Press
The seam allowance is ¼ inch throughout.
Pick various shades of patterned red fabric to make this strawberry appear three-dimensional. The curved stem is appliquéd.
You Will Need (4 things)
Fabric quantities
- Dark green print Fabric A: 7 x 9 inches
- Up to 6 different dark and medium red print Fabrics B: 12 x 13 inches in total
- White Fabric C: 13 x 18 inches
Steps (5 steps, 120 minutes)
Prepare the patches
Rotary method
From fabric A, cut one stem using the template
From fabrics A and C, make one 6½ x 2½-inch right diamond rectangle and one 6½ x 2½-inch left diamond rectangle
From fabrics B and C, make two 2½-inch half-square triangles
From fabric B, cut ten 2½-inch squares
From fabric C, cut one 8½ x 2½-inch rectangle and two 12½ x 2½-inch rectangles
From fabrics B and C, cut one right half triangle and one left half triangle (6 x 6 template)Or
Template cutting
Using the 6 x 6 template:From fabric A, cut 1 right diamond,1 left diamond, and one stem.
From fabric B, cut 10 small squares, 2 small triangles, 1 right half triangle, and 1 left half triangle
From fabric C, cut 6 small triangles, 1 right half triangle, 1 left half triangle, 1 long rectangle, and 2 full-length rectangles -
Template Piecing
With right sides together, pin and sew a small fabric C triangle to each of the diagonal edges of one fabric A diamond. Press seams open. Repeat to make the second strawberry leaf.
With right sides together, pin and sew the remaining two small fabric C triangles to the two small fabric B triangles; press seams open.
Make the Block
Assemble the hull With right sides together, pin the left and right diamond rectangles together so they point inward and downward, as shown above, then sew; press seams open. Join the fabric C long rectangle to the top edge and press seam up. Appliqué the stem between the leaves.
Sew the strawberry With right sides together, stitch the fabrics B and C left and right triangles together to make two rectangles; press seams down over the red fabric.
Arrange the patches in their final positions, being careful to balance the prints and shades of red to create the illusion of a strawberry shape. With right sides together, pin and sew the patches in four columns; press seams open.
With right sides together, stitch the columns together, carefully matching the seams; press seams open.
Complete the square With right sides together, pin and sew the hull to the top edge of the strawberry and press seam open. Sew one full-length white rectangle to each side edge; press seams open.