Cut Out + Keep

Stenciling A T Shirt

easy way to stencil a t-shirt • Posted by Brittany Marie

This is the beginning of a shirt I am making for my boyfriend. I ended up not using the wording for it. I am planning on making the sleeves of the shirt black.

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscn1327 1257453816 Medium dscn1326 1257453892


This is the beginning of a shirt I am making for my boyfriend. I ended up not using the wording for it. I am planning on making the sleeves of the shirt black.


  1. Small dscn1322 1257449187

    Make or find a stencil online that you want to use and print it out on label paper.

  2. Small dscn1323 1257453453

    Using an x-acto knife cut out all of the black parts of the stencil.

  3. Small dscn1324 1257453577

    Place the the stencil on the shirt where you would like it and then paint over the stencil. Make sure you put something inside the shirt so the paint doesn't seep through the front to the back

  4. Small dscn1325 1257453720

    Once you have painted over the stencil take the label off. Do not wait for it to dry, or the paper with stick to the paint and it will be harder to peel off.

  5. Small dscn1326 1257453787

    Add detail and let dry, then you are done!