I speak for the trees!
This is a t-shirt I painted for a friend. It is stenciled.
I have a stenciling tutorial on my youtube, if you may find it useful-
Marnina t. added Stenciled T Shirt, Dr. Suess, The Lorax to To-make list 29 Jul 06:32
Emma G. favorited Stenciled T Shirt, Dr. Suess, The Lorax 03 Jul 20:26
- JaydeyLikesMac&Cheese favorited Stenciled T Shirt, Dr. Suess, The Lorax 12 Jun 01:53
tarahallsmith added Stenciled T Shirt, Dr. Suess, The Lorax to Students 04 Mar 01:22
aranumenwen favorited Stenciled T Shirt, Dr. Suess, The Lorax 04 Feb 17:30
shannan.madsen favorited Stenciled T Shirt, Dr. Suess, The Lorax 09 Sep 04:12
Nicky Frazier N. favorited Stenciled T Shirt, Dr. Suess, The Lorax 03 Aug 17:17
You Will Need
Step 1
Watch the video tutorial.

Oak Ridge, Tennessee, US
4 projects
i made this same stencil before, but i never thought to make it look nice, haha. It looks very lovely and professional! Thanks for the tutorial.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US
17 projects
they are all in the youtube video!

carmela g.
Palermo, Sicilia, IT
9 projects
what materials did you use for this t shirt?

The Twins
9 projects
this totally rocks!

Alice S.
can't I buy this from you? It is so perfect

Cheshunt, England, GB
58 projects
that is badass

68 projects
Dr Suess! AMAZING The lorax! AMAZING Great toturial, have to try it.

Melbourne, Victoria, AU
You have a awesome style.

Cat Morley
London, GB
1432 projects
Fantastic video and I love the tee!

Zombie Soup
12 projects
I love that movie/book :3