Cut Out + Keep

Steely Grey Corset

Based on Steely Grey Corset by Zombie Soup • Posted by Maria S.

Woot, my first attempt at a corset! I haven't made any clothing since school and even then it was a disaster so I'm quite impressed with how well this turned out. As you can see, it's too tight and squishes me a bit, so I think I need to tweak the measurements, but all in all I'm pleased with it! EDIT: Here's my second attempt, much better fitting!

You will need


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium corset 1216645226 Medium dfb4 1 1218035736


Woot, my first attempt at a corset! I haven't made any clothing since school and even then it was a disaster so I'm quite impressed with how well this turned out. As you can see, it's too tight and squishes me a bit, so I think I need to tweak the measurements, but all in all I'm pleased with it! EDIT: Here's my second attempt, much better fitting!
