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Steampunk Cuff

Steampunk and industrial elements in a large dramatic cuff! • Posted by nora c.

The steampunk feature is made from polymer clay, set with small cogs, gears etc. and sealed with polymer resin. It is attatched to a velvet wristband trimmed with lace. I have used velcro to fasten, although that's certainly not steampunk, but I find it much easier than using lace-up ribbon

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Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


2 h 30


Medium dscf7872 1289608173 Medium dscf7876 1289608759


The steampunk feature is made from polymer clay, set with small cogs, gears etc. and sealed with polymer resin. It is attatched to a velvet wristband trimmed with lace. I have used velcro to fasten, although that's certainly not steampunk, but I find it much easier than using lace-up ribbon
