Cut Out + Keep

Statement Earring

Super super simple fashion accessory! • Posted by Supernova's Child

I tried to pick better pictures of this, I hope I did. Okay, this is so simple that I didn't even create a tutorial. I make these statement earrings all the time, and I decided to feature them on this website, so everyone can have a look see! (God I look so stoned in that picture!) hahah

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 05


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf1538 Medium dscf1536


I tried to pick better pictures of this, I hope I did. Okay, this is so simple that I didn't even create a tutorial. I make these statement earrings all the time, and I decided to feature them on this website, so everyone can have a look see! (God I look so stoned in that picture!) hahah
