Statement Button Ring
DIY: Button Statment Rings
Posted by Kristen T.
Buttons, buttons everywhere!! Someone please tell me why I’ve collected all these buttons.
You Will Need (4 things)
- Ring With Flat Tops (available at the jewelry supply store)
- Glue
- Button(s)
- Clippers
Steps (5 steps, 30 minutes)
Use your clippers to remove the shank from the back of the button.
Once you’ve made the back of the button flat, use an ample amount of glue to secure the ring to the back of the button.
Here’s another hint: If you can’t find a flat ring base, Ring Pops are a fun alternative. After you’ve removed the candy and cleaned the ring base, grab your Kylon spray and paint it.
Once the base has dried, glue on the button.
I now thing I have enough new statement rings to get me through the month.