Star Felt Purse

Discreet cute lovable purse :)

Posted by deni m.


I put in it my money, my keys and sometimes my cell if I have no pocket. It is really cute and useful :) Everybody loved it when they saw it for the first time :) Make yourselves one.


You Will Need (8 things)

  • Black Felt
  • Black Thread
  • Needle
  • Zipper
  • Decorations by your choice
  • Pin(s)
  • Textile Marker Tool visible on black colour
  • Scissors

Steps (17 steps, 90 minutes)

  1. 1

    1. Black felt
    2. Black Thread
    3. Scissors
    4. Decorations
    5. Zipper
    The colours are by your choice and the decorations too, use your imagination :)

  2. 2

    6. pins
    7. needle
    8. textile marker
    We are ready to start

  3. 3

    Fold the felt.

  4. 4

    Stick pins to make it steady.

  5. 5

    Make a stitch on both sides left and right.

  6. 6

    After that turn the purse over so that the stitches stay inside and are not visible.

  7. 7

    Take the zipper and sew it to the one side together with the decorations. It saves time :)

  8. 8

    Then stick some pins on the other side of the zipper to hold it steady and easy to sew to the felt.

  9. 9

    Make the stitch and take the pins out.

  10. 10

    Zip the zipper. If it is straight you can go to the next step but if it is not, try to fix it.

  11. 11

    Turn the purse at the back side and you can see the stitches. To hide them make a line with the marker.

  12. 12

    Sew over the line some decorations. It looks really classy :)

  13. 13

    Again with the marker draw the form of the flap.

  14. 14

    Cut the flap.

  15. 15

    Cut a star ( or any other shape ) from the left over felt, decorate it and sew it to the flap.

  16. 16

    It is time to close the flap and ta - daaaa ! :) look at the next step the ready purse!

  17. 17

    I love it :) I hope you like it as much as I :)