Cut Out + Keep

Stand Up Buddies

more boredom • Posted by Brooks Z.

my little buddahs

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0 h 30


Pretty Easy
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my little buddahs


  1. Small img 6203 1292083691

    take a side of a big box

  2. Small img 6206 1292083707

    cut off the flaps

  3. Small img 6204 1292083724

    now once your hand starts to hurt read a book

  4. Small img 6207 1292083789

    fold up a little of the bottom of the main part

  5. Small img 6208 1292083805

    take one of the flaps and fold it to be a stand like that <-

  6. Small img 6209 1292083868

    take the bigger part and tape it to the flap you made on the main part

  7. Small img 6210 1292083896

    tape the top part that isnt taped down and tape it down at an angle you like

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    the tape the bottom of the whole thing

  9. Small img 6212 1292083973

    and now it should look like this

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    then draw your picture