• Posted by The Felted Fox
This project was an attempt to get rid of the piles of scrap felt I had lying about the house. It was made entirely of things I had left over from other projects and therefore cost me nothing to make. I also got to put a few smiles on some little faces in the process. Priceless :)
This project was an attempt to get rid of the piles of scrap felt I had lying about the house. It was made entirely of things I had left over from other projects and therefore cost me nothing to make. I also got to put a few smiles on some little faces in the process. Priceless :)
Print the pattern and cut out template.
Cut the felt accordingly.
Using the white thread, sew white cheek piece onto front of face.
With right sides facing, sew the sides and top of head. Leave the ears and bottom open. Turn right side out.
Embroider eyes, eyes, nose and mouth and sew a few running stitches across the forehead. Sew ears closed.
Stuff the head with polyester fiberfill and sew the bottom closed.
Use some super glue to attach the safety pin and pin cover the the back.