Springtime Garlands Quilt

Designed and pieced by Amanda Murphy; Quilted by Kay Giese

Posted by amandarmurphy


Size: 68" x 86"

• 1/2yardgreen/pinkfloralprint(AAM-10757- 193)
• 5/8 yard periwinkle/blue floral print (AAM- 10757-192)
• 1/4 yard pink medallion print (AAM-10756- 193)
• 1-3/8 yards green medallion print (AAM- 10756-192)
• 3-1/2 yard blue leaf print (AAM-10758-192)
• 3/8 yard green leaf print (AAM-10758-193)
• 1/4 yard purple crackle print (AAM-10760- 192)
• 1-3/4 yard brown crackle print (AAM-10760- 193)
• 1-1/4 yards green circle print (AAM-10759- 192)
• 1/2 yard pink circle print (AAM-10759-193)
• 7/8 yard yellow circle print (AAM-10759-136)
• 5-1/2 yards backing fabric (suggested back- ing is the green/pink floral print AAM-10757- 193 or the green medallion print AAM-10756- 192)
• brown and green or "smoke" thin thread for invisible applique
• CloverTM(1/2")FusibleBiasTapeMaker
• 2(10mm)packagesofCloverTMFusibleWeb
• twin-sizequiltbatting


You Will Need (1 thing)

  • Fabric

Steps (4 steps, 600 minutes)

  1. 1

    Measurements include 1/4" seam allowances. Border strips are exact length needed. You may want to make them longer to allow for piecing variations.
    From the green/pink floral print cut:
    • 3(4-1/2")strips.
    From the periwinkle/blue floral print cut:
    • 3 (6-1/4") strips. From strips, cut 18 (6-1/4") squares.
    From the pink medallion print cut:
    • 1 (6-1/4") strip. From strip, cut 2 (6-1/4") squares.
    From the green medallion print cut:
    • 3 (6-1/4") strips. From strips, cut 16 (6-1/4") squares.
    • 8 (2-1/4") strips for binding.
    From the blue leaf print cut:
    • 1 (6-1/4") strip. From strip, cut 2 (6-1/4") squares.
    • 13 (8-1/2") strips. From strips, cut 50 (8-1/2") squares.
    From the green leaf print cut:
    • 10 (15/16") BIAS strips. Use CloverTM Fusible Bias Tape Maker (or other method) to make 10 (12") fusible bias strips.
    From the purple crackle print cut:
    • 1 (6-1/4") strip. From strip, cut 2 (6-1/4") squares.
    From the brown crackle print cut:
    • 3 (8-1/2") strips. From strips, cut 10 (8-1/2") squares.
    • Fromtheremainingbrownfabric,cut3(10") strips. From these strips, cut 50 (15/16") BIAS strips. Use CloverTM Fusible Bias Tape Maker (or other method) to make 50 BIAS strips.
    From the green circle print, TURNING LENGTHWISE, cut:
    • 4 (2-1/4") strips. Piece strips to make 2 (2-1/4" x 80-1/2") side outer borders.
    • 4 (3-1/4") strips. Piece strips to make 2 (3-1/4" x 68-1/2") top and bottom outer bor- ders.
    • 4 (3-1/2") strips. Piece strips to make 2 (3-1/2" x 80-1/2") sashing pieces.
    From the pink circle print cut:
    • 3(4-1/2")strips.
    From the yellow circle print cut:
    • 4 (6-1/4") strips. From strips, cut 20 (6-1/4") squares.

  2. 2

    Unit Assembly
    1. Cut wedges out of all your (6-1/4") square blocks using the template on page 4. Dis- card "background" pieces.
    2. Fuse a few small pieces of fusible web onto the back of the curved side of all "wedge" pieces.
    3. Following picture on the first page of these instructions, fuse the appropriate "wedges" onto your (8-1/2" blocks), aligning straight sides of blocks, to temporarily hold them in place.
    4. Center brown bias strips over curved edge of quarter circles that are fused to blue leaf (8-1/4") backgrounds. Appliqué in place us- ing matching thread (it is easiest to appliqué the inner curve of the bias strip first); trim ends of bias strip flush with edge of square.
    5. Center green bias strip over curved edge of quarter circles that are fused to remaining (8-1/4") backgrounds. Appliqué in place us- ing matching thread (it is easiest to appliqué the inner curve of the bias strip first); trim ends of bias strip flush with edge of square.
    6. Turn all "wedge" units over and cut away extra layer of fabric behind quarter circles, leaving 1/4" beyond stitching.
    7. Join your pink circle and pink/green floral (4-1/2") strips to make 3 strip sets. Press seams toward floral. Cut 20 (4-1/2") units. Join units to make 10 four-square blocks

  3. 3

    Quilt Assembly
    1. Lay out squares as shown in the picture on the first page of these instructions.
    2. Join blocks with blue backgrounds quilt into rows. Join rows to complete the center sec- tion.
    3. Join the (3-1/2" x 80-1/2") green circle strips to sides of the center section of the quilt.
    4. Join side units to create two vertical strips.
    5. Join these two vertical strips to the center section of the quilt.
    6. Join the (2-1/4" x 80-1/2") side borders to your quilt top.
    7. Attach the (3-1/4" x 68") top and bottom bor- ders to your quilt top.

  4. 4

    1. Divide backing fabric into two lengths. Cut
    1 piece lengthwise to make 2 narrow pan- els. Join 1 narrow panel to each side of wide panel. Press.
    2. Layer backing, batting, and quilt top. Quilt as desired.
    3. Join the (2-1/4") green medallion strips into 1 continuous piece for binding. Press, folding in half lengthwise. Sew binding to quilt.