Splatter Design For Skateboards,Surfboards,Etc.

How to custom paint your board

Posted by Elorvin


The time depends on how long the paint has to dry,but I guess it's around 3 hours in total.


You Will Need (4 things)

  • 1 Skateboard Or The Like
  • 2 (at least) Spray Paint
  • 1 Clear Coat Paint
  • Dish Soap

Steps (4 steps, 180 minutes)

  1. 1

    Disassemble your board and lay the deck on something like newspaper that can get dirty. It should be outside or in a well ventilated area.

  2. 2

    Paint it with either a single color or some sort of design and let it dry. If you want,you can sand it before applying the paint.

  3. 3

    Pour dish soap over it in any way you like,which will "protect" the color underneath, spraypaint the deck with another color and let it dry.

  4. 4

    Wash off the soap thoroughly and dry with a towel,but don't do this too harsh as it could rub away some color.
    Cover it with a clear coat paint and let it dry.