Cut Out + Keep

Spiral Bound Sticky Note Holder

Sticky Note Holder • Posted by Bedlam & Butterflies

Home made spiral bound sticky note holders

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1 h 00


Medium 114489 2f2016 06 09 212558 swirly%2bbird%2bfrom%2bstampin 27%2bup 21%2btracy%2bmay%2bpost%2bit%2bnote%2bholder 00005


Home made spiral bound sticky note holders


  1. Small 114489 2f2016 06 09 213733 swirly%2bbird%2bfrom%2bstampin 27%2bup 21%2btracy%2bmay%2bpost%2bit%2bnote%2bholder 00001

    Cut 3 pieces of card board and 3 pieces of Kraft paper to 9cm x 10cm. I save all the card board protectors from packs of designer paper or the backing for paper pads.

  2. Small 114489 2f2016 06 09 212705 swirly%2bbird%2bfrom%2bstampin 27%2bup 21%2btracy%2bmay%2bpost%2bit%2bnote%2bholder 00002

    Punch the holes for the notebook spiral using your binding machine along the 9cm side. For the Cinch I pulled out Notch 7 to prevent getting a hole too close to the right hand edge - you will need to adjust to your own machine.

  3. Small 114489 2f2016 06 09 212854 swirly%2bbird%2bfrom%2bstampin 27%2bup 21%2btracy%2bmay%2bpost%2bit%2bnote%2bholder 00003

    Stick your sticky notes to two of the three pieces of card board and then cut your notebook spiral to size using wire cutters.

  4. Small 114489 2f2016 06 09 213012 swirly%2bbird%2bfrom%2bstampin 27%2bup 21%2btracy%2bmay%2bpost%2bit%2bnote%2bholder 00004

    Attach your spiral to the loading teeth on your binding machine (if there is one) Stack up the 3 card board pieces with the front and back outsides facing each other and the first internal page under the cover page. With the inside back cover on top thread the 3 pieces onto the notebook spiral, then use the closure press on your machine to bring the spiral to meet in the middle.

  5. Small 114489 2f2016 06 09 213326 swirly%2bbird%2bfrom%2bstampin 27%2bup 21%2btracy%2bmay%2bpost%2bit%2bnote%2bholder 00005

    Decorate the front cover as desired. I used Watercolour paper and water coloured using an aqua painter and ink refills. Once the back ground was dry I stamped over the top with the same colour ink and added a die cut in the same colour paper.