• Posted by Alyssa :)
I made these for Xmas presents for my family this year. They are supposed to be "Sparkling" cider bottles. Hope you enjoy!
I made these for Xmas presents for my family this year. They are supposed to be "Sparkling" cider bottles. Hope you enjoy!
I bought these bottles at AC Moore. They were on sale for about 90 cents I believe
This is the hard part. Resin is pretty tricky to use, so you may want to look up somewhere online how to work with it. Basically once you have your catalist and resin mixed properly you pour it into the bottles, making sure all walls are coated. After you have the walls coated, turn your bottles upside-down and let the resin drain out. Let sit for about 45 minutes so the resin has time to harden a bit.
Pour your sparkles inside the bottles and shake until the inside is coated.
They'll look like this.
Next you are going to loop & knot a piece of hemp string for hanging your ornament.
Push the knot into the bottle. Coat the bottom of your cork in a bit of glue and press the cork into the bottle.
They should look like this :)
Next, you can cut a golden cupcake wrapper to create the cork seal.
Use hot glue to wrap the seal and keep it in place <<<
Here, I made my own lables on microsoft word. These will get wrapped around the bottom of the bottle.
And voila! You can add other personal touches. I added the red plastic bows. I got them at AC Moore if you were wondering. Have fun & Happy Holidays!