Spaghetti Pizza

Pizza? Spaghetti? Why not both! Gamer tested and loved!

Posted by Kelly W.


Growing up I had a pizza place that my family liked to go to, every Wednesday was Spaghetti night! One day we went on a Thursday and found out they make giant slices of spaghetti pizza out of the left overs on the night before, it was like a deep dish apple pie but with spaghetti! From that day I wanted to make it but with no recipes in sight I came up with my own, and so here is the labor of my love made into easy to hold mini pizzas that are great as a gaming or movie night dinner!


You Will Need (12 things)

  • • Long Spaghetti , angle hair is preferred
  • 1 Jar of Red Pasta Sauce
  • Pizza Dough , homemade or commercial pre-made
  • Bacon or any other kind of meat can be substituted
  • Mozzarella Cheese , shredded
  • Italian Seasoning
  • • Mushrooms or any other kinds of Veggies can be substituted
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Non Stick Cooking Spray
  • Pot, Muffin Pan , strainer, bowl, cutting board, frying pan, oven
  • Paper Towels

Steps (7 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    • Add water to pot and pinch of salt and leave it to boil
    • Add pasta to the boiling water and cook until soft

  2. 2

    • Strain the pasta
    • Mix the pasta and sauce in a bowl then sit in the fridge to cool

  3. 3

    • Fry up the bacon but don't cook all the way
    • Dry up the bacon from all the grease
    • Pre-heat oven to 400

  4. 4

    • Spray muffin pan and fill the bottom and sides with pizza dough, don't forget to leave room for the fillings later
    • Precook for 8 minuets, then take out and leave oven on!

  5. 5

    • Chop up the bacon and mushrooms
    • Fill with the pasta, bacon, and mushrooms
    • Season as desired
    • Top with cheese

  6. 6

    • Let cook in the oven for 9 minutes
    • Enjoy

  7. 7

    Pro tips:
    *Left over spaghetti can be used to speed up/skip steps one and two
    *If the dough expands too much after precooking, just press it against the sides with a fork.
    *If you like a more cruncher crust, leave in for another 5 minutes or so.
    *Be careful about the amount of cooking spray used, too much and the dough won't stay.